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The Power of Place
Place is Powerful
Community members who feel more attached to their communities care more about those communities and play more active roles as community members. Esthetics of the neighborhood, the walkability of the streets, access to open green spaces and and having a favorite place, other than home or work where you can gather, convene and connect. are all aspects of what help contribute to attachment.
Placemaking is intentionally creating vibrant places in communities. We’ll have a more detailed write up soon, in the mean time please enjoy this third party resource.
Place and Innovation
In addition to increasing attachment, vibrant community spaces can help seed innovation through cross-pollination of ideas and through unexpected encounters. We’ll have a more detailed write up soon, in the mean time please enjoy this third party resource.
Third Places
Third places are those special places in your community, other than home or work, that people gravitate towards. More coming soon…
Third Places and Social Capital
Third places help develop Social Capital and Social Cohesion among those who frequent them, because these places help incubate and develop relationships and trust among their communities. More coming soon…